RE: RE: Market needs a head. Exactly. Arrogance is a defense mechanism.
I wonder if Randy is under "The cone of silence" or if he is talking?
The problem as I see it on the Venture , and they are invited to prove me wrong, is if we took this thing apart and could prove that Canaco was never what it seemed to be, what then?
If I was running the Venture I would be afraid that the baby boomers are going to take whatever money has not been stolen from them and put it in to some dividend paying stock at 5% and not play here anymore. Compare the $$ invested today vs 2 yrs ago. How about the Feds? You pay 25% of you earnings on capital gains. How much is Flaherty going to collect in 2012? They are not far sighted enough to realize that the Stock Market spins off jobs everywhere mostly in the way of local purchasing and taxes. You kill that because you allow flagrant abuse and it kills that portion of the economy. It's not as simple as just ignoring what's happened here. It's all over the Venture it just took longer at Canaco . It's reduced me to posting my frustrations on a B.B. that no one except us has any use for instead of going out and spending or building something. Economics 101. Sad.