RE: Useful commodities the place to be Up untill now the population at large has been bombarded by the rich and the crooks of Wall Street with the idea of owning gold as a "save heaven" and protection against inflation, which we have yet to see.Yet everyone these days is talking about deflation and not inflation. Yet the money bags and the alarmists who see armagendon coming from every corner don't seize to amaze us with their prophesies and who aim to protect their money wealth by going into gold. Yet these days seem to have fallen silent when the price of gold is going down by the elevator and more usefull commodities, i.e., commodities which can help improve human lives and raise the wealth of society seem to get the upper hand. These commodities include industrial metals, met coal, steel etc. The Chinese monetary ease is certainly aiming at improving the lot of its people and not decorating them with gold ornaments. For what else is gold good for?