RE: RE: Researching the Rooster Canyon Project
The host rocks and style of mineralization on the Skalesky option are similar to those found on the North Shore property to the south. Mineralization seems to follow structural lineaments and volcanic-syenite contact zones.
The Rooster Canyon is an east trending 5-20 cm wide X 150 meter long quartz vein hosted in a 2.0 meter wide shear zone within fractured and pyritized hornblende syenite. Although high-grade assays over 1 meter have been obtained, the Rooster Canyon occurrence is narrow and has little tonnage potential.
The Longworth Shaft area also hosts narrow quartz veins with gold, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and galena in hornblende syenite, and also suggests limited economic potential.
The Longworth Silver Occurrence (200 meters NW of the Longworth Shaft) is a 0.6 metre wide vein that has assayed up to 18 g/t gold and is reported to have a strike length of one kilometre. The mineralization consists of galena, silver, pyrite, argentite, gold and chalcopyrite. The host rock is dominated by silicified and carbonate altered mafic volcanics.
I think the best potential is in the north-east part of the property, to the north and along trend of the Longworth Silver Occurrence.