RE: Silentrunning, NR link? Solar end: Sell? Provide cash to assist until ODIS/POET ready to roll and help finance its roll out?
Would this sale even provide the necessary funding? It would help remove a distraction from the part of the company that most everyone is banking on. The future potential of POET far outweighs the future potential of solar with it's multitute of competitiors such as Wind and Nuclear Energy.
Are we close enough to that date for this to be a possibility? AGM needs to have some serious questions addressed. A lot of money has shrunk and some reasoning and concrete game plans need to be presented.
There is no sense having the greatest technology in your hands if you don't have the funding or know-how to bring it to mass market. Sell it to someone who will, or bring it to market and do your best to publicize it's benefits and specifications to the marketplace.