GREY:CUDBF - Post by User
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alphaflighton May 31, 2012 3:04pm
Post# 19967002
RE: If it was my company.
RE: If it was my company.It's a good thing this isn't Poise's company. But let’s imagine him behind the helm of Petro One for just a moment. What would that look like?
The first thing that would happen is he would spend all day on the internet pretending to be a geologist and discussing cockamamie theories on stocks. Then he would make wildly contradictory, yet totally absolute public statements over many months on many stocks. All of his assertions would be scientifically invalid. He would demonstrate no track record of success over any measure of time. But because the market has a short and selective memory, people would forget all the times he pumped a stock with outrageous claims. They would just see a few times when he said things like “It’s all over!” and he would be crowned King of Right. But let’s skip that for now and refocus again how he would run a company.
Following that, he’d need to deploy his “new geology” whereby a company could somehow magically drill through a Viking deposit into a Bakken zone that is perfectly placed under each drill hole with no need to adjust. He’d need to ignore all the geological and geophysical data that suggests that although a potentially prolific Bakken zone is close by – it is not precisely placed under every high-amplitude Viking target (!).
Next he’d need to use the “new math” to show how this could all be done, from start to finish with $5M dollars, which is what POP spent from beginning to end on this target. Of course, he’d deploy the latest “horizontal exploration drilling technology” to nail all these targets perfectly across multiple payzones. I seem to remember him insisting on that.
Lastly, he’d be forced to read and understand the press release he published on November 14, 2011 where the company stated:
In addition Petro One has been credited with a best estimate NI 51-101 prospective resource of 798,000 barrels of oil in the shallow Middle Bakken sand located only 140 m below the Viking, and a total of 9 undeveloped Bakken drilling locations have been identified in the report. There is existing Bakken production only 1.2 kilometres to the northeast of one of the large Bakken traps identified in the report. The Mannville, Success, and Birdbear formations were also identified in the NI 51-101 report as secondary targets to be tested. These findings were based on multiple large structures identified and mapped below the Viking by an independent geophysicist and geologist from both high resolution seismic and well log data. The company plans to drill test the strongest of these targets during the upcoming Viking development drilling program.
As a final act, Poise, being the expert that he is with geology, math and of course reading comprehension would wave a magic wand. 9 undeveloped Bakken locations would now be exactly positioned under the 6 best Viking targets. With his proprietary drilling technology, he could probably just hit the Mannville, Birdbear, and Success formations too, with no additional cost. I’d like to see that wizardry myself!
Or we could just skip all that nonsense and just look at the PR ourselves. The company plans to drill the strongest Bakken targets during the Viking development program. My guess is they will drill the best Bakken targets based on their geological potential alone, not some whimsical theory.
If Poise ran this company it would be a disaster. That’s just common sense.