OVERVALUED !!! Who cares, this is still double or triple overvalued. The fact that if it's any good and has the chances of it becoming a mine and realizing the PFS numbers, then teck will back in and they will only own 20%, means it may be 10 times overvalued.
This POC is now worth more than III, CUM, double TKO, and even more than CS (both net of cash). These are ACTUAL cash flowing, producing mining companies, something CUU is a 1000 miles from becoming.
Further to this, companys with very similar assets, WRN, YMI, DNT, and many others, all have market caps of about 1/10th to 1/5th of this, yet they actually own 100% of the project, not this 20%.
Take the fact that NG and TCK are trying to flog that POC galore, since no one will be financing a 5 Billion dollar capex for a mine in BC ( where costs amazingly seem to double like TCM) and consider that Galore is a better, richer deposit than Shaft.
Do the Math, its an easy Sell !!