RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: ADEQ requested information elgin1,
elgin1 said: "What do you mean when you say discuss the difficult aspects faced by the company? We know what they are :oppostion to development on town land, no approval from ADEQ on state land. You keep on bringing up Mismangement by company officials, grassroot opposition etc etc. There is no question the project has some huge obstacles - I am an investor in many companies and I do not just post on Curis bb. All of my statements are facts and not outrageous statements. Every person has a right to voice their opinion. If there is a new development (good or bad) discuss it instead of saying the application is rejected over and over."
This site is canadian owned, so views on what is posted differs from that here in the states. As such I won't be posting my opinions anymore in regards to the management of the mining project. I will admit it's a fine line which I'm not much experienced with so I'll try and keep things a bit more nice when writing on topics that involve them.
With that out of the way, I'll answer your question. I have brought up many topics that both you and others (adit??) have not been willing to discuss, but rather argue about semantics. That makes it a bit difficult to have a discussion with back and forth sharing of ideas.
What's up with Curis suing the Town of Florence? - Is that something you would be willing to discuss or would you rather go on the defensive as if my choice of words somehow painted a poor picture of the facts?