RE: RE: Jeremy Wyeth's Resignation The N/R states that Peter Crossgrove will take over as CEO in the "interim". Doesn't voting have to occur for finality?
Going back in time, is this the same Peter Crossgrove who was with West Timmins Mining years ago?? I did very well with WTM , so I'm not ready to condem EXN yet. The company has too much going for itself. If EXN can clean up all the labor problems in Mexico, and convince some needless regulators to "get out of it's way", maybe some REAL progress will happen about the time the U.S.dollar breaks down and Silver heads toward higher levels.
Of note? The Market seems to like the idea. It's been a while since I've seen .60. For myself, I have not sold and will continue to buy on dips.
As Always, Best of Luck