Lawyer vs. US! Ladies and Gentleman… A few words!
Lost my wife’s RRSP, lost mine (Of course Non-replaceable… CRC Rules!)… I had to live with it!
I got on “StockHouse Bullboards” after finding an article (beginning of May) not in North America but on South Africa's "".
Recent happenings just opened the “HORNET NEST”! (Lawyers threatening…)
Out there are so many individual investors without a “compass” if I might say so, looking in the WRONG places for guidance, for “the Light at the end of the tunnel”…
I just sent a few “notes” about this group including (“web short-cuts”) to a few major News papers, including South Africa's "".
Those of you who can “Twitter”… I think will be a good idea! And refrain from personal statements,
There is a huge difference in calling “JoeDoe” a DONKY and the personal perception (“personally I think JoeDoe is a DONKY!”)…