RE: QE3 Honestly really does not make much sense at all to be selling ANY companies at these price levels..unless of course you feeling like Houdini and were smart enough to pull your cash off the table 4 months ago when markets were at all time highs..(TSX and Venture exchanges being the lone exception).
No matter how one slices the pie...Commodities (raw materials) and precious metals will always be an integral part of our lives...We all need basic materials to survive and build infrastructure to move forward. Despite the gloomy fiscal situation that now grasps our planet, eventually it will work itself out. Granted there will be some fiscal pain along the way, but the world is certainly not coming to an end any day soon, despite the Mayan's Calendar predictions. Valuations in the market are far below the "true value" of most companies, and I'm sure when things begin to "snap back" the investors who own the best commodity companies will profit the most....ZEN is a company I will continue to hold (short term), despite its poor performance as the fundamentals have not changed, the company continues to deliver solid results and are nicely positioned to take full advantage of a commodity that long term will always be in high demand, Sell if you must, but my senses tell me we have reached very near the "rock bottom price".
I would be shocked if this stock was ever trading under 20 cents again before the graphite purity results are released, but given the markets overall strength it just may be a distinct prepared to do battle and hold your position!! This market is not being driven by's being driven by fear.
Happy trading