RE: RE: RE: No Management "Halcrow, your posts have become so completely ridiculous and petty"
Oooh, Fife, how utterly feckless (and denigrating to retail shareholders) to suggest that providing details of this purported "intense scrutiny" of MSQ by the BCSC is petty and ridiculous. You are aware, aren't you, that accompanying that BCSC 4/11/2012 default time frame is a deadline which, if missed, will lead to further BCSC action?
And, Fife, how can an error of 50 per cent (a real seven and a half months instead of your five months) be petty?
And surely readers don't think that the granting of options valued at $266,750 to McPeak, $2,042,678 to Kessler and $113,875 to Voyticky are petty...and an advance of $77,369 to B McClay is also another mere bagatelle, just petty and riduculous?
Strange world (with strange priorities) which you live in, Fife. I'll bet that you play the theme from the Twilight Zone continuously in your cubicle.