RE: Predictions I am not 100% certain about Anadarko but I think the liklihood is growing every day. I also leave open the possibility that it could be a consortium and might include Tullow , Repsol and perhaps others. I have not worked "there" but I know the signs of when a company is fishing around and dropping chum all over the place and Anadarko fits the bill to a T, perhaps much better than most. It is true that they don't have access to the confidential information about Jaguar (although even at that we can't be absolutely certain, they may be a party to confidentiality agreements for example) but there is enough information out there that many parties are looking into the situation and CGX has clearly indicated that they have opened their "data room" to a number of potential suitors or JV companies.
The Chariman of the Company has also indicated quite firmly that JV's will be announced in the near future so I add up all the possibilities and likelihoods and come up with Anadarko whose Modus Operandi always seems to be to hover around and strike when people least expect it. This is why I take issue with Mr. Rove on this point. I don't think he has done his homework or knows much about the history of Anadarko and how they have rather quietly acquired oil and gas properties all over the planet, otherwise he would never, ever, count them out, so summarily. Nor I might add should anyone else.
All I have said is that there is a very good chance that they may get involved and probably as a JV partner. Take it for what it is, but without definitive proof to the contrary I wouldn't dump on the possibility, conversely I wouldn't bet the farm on it either. All things weird and wonderful are possible in the oil game. for all we know CGX and Anadarko may very well have cut the deal on the back of a table napkin and are only going through the due dilgence motions before everything is announced.
Let me underscore the point however that if I were absolutely certain do you think I would be posting it here? More likely I would take shifts at McD's to squirrel away a few more sheckels so I could by more shares and all the while keep my mouth absolutely and firmly shut. Maybe this is what a few of you would like to see anyway, so for the short term and failing any more outrageous challenges to my simple prediction I will kindly oblige and in the common vernacular shut my pie hole.