JAGUAR CLOSURE AT 5,300 METERS? For those that are interested...I would recommend to download the January 3, 2008 reserve report which can be found of SEDAR (publicly available). The report was done by Gustavon Associates on November 1, 2007.
It seems CGX has been pretty quiet on releasing any detailed material on Jaguar..including seismic or basin mapping information. Probably soemthing that Repsol and Tullow have requested. However, this January 3, 2008 reserve report has some very interesting information...Jaguar related.
If you take a look at page 21 of this January 3, 2008 reserve suggests that the closure on Jaguar is at a shallower depth than Eagle Deep. It appears depths of the closure are given in meters on both Jaguar and Eagle Deep. Eagle Deep closure appears to be somewhere around 5,800 meters (or 19,050ft). Note, this is also consistent with the most recent CGX's April 15, 2011 reserve report.
Interestingly, according to the January 3, 2008 reserve report the closure on Jaguar appears to be significantly higher than that compared to Eagle Deep. It appears the closure on Jaguar may be at 5,100-5,300 meters (or 17,061ft - 17,389ft). My eyes are to old to really confirm this...possibly a younger set of eyes could confirm this observation???