RE: RE: RE: RE: newbie you are a goof Ddcor look at the Russell Global index on the Russell website. I believe the official date of the deletion is on the 24th. I am not sure how much selling pressure will result since the other Russell small cap indexes are more widely distributed but the very low volume here has me concerned. All I can remember is Sept 16 is still very fresh on my mind and it can work both ways.
Regarding Copperwood I think it is best that they delay the project until they are financially in better shape to develop it which will take more time than their start projection. I estimate another 2 years than their current projection. Copperwood is really nothing special as is but if they mine the inferred reserves and increase the mine life to 30+ yrs provided Cu and Ag prices behave it would be a very good project.
The big question I have with it in operation is mining dilution which will have a much more pronounced negative effect in operations with narrow vein structures.
I also think the use of the more expensive capex of continuous miners as opposed to drill and blast they are now proposing will be the much better method of mining the deposit. Not only is it safer it will do a better job minimizing ore dilution provided they hire competent operators of the equipment. It could also potentially enable them to lower the cutoff thickness of the ore as some of them can operate in thicknesses as small as 32 inches.
With regard to the other operations pretty much everything was a screw up some of them mistakes expected by me and some of them a surprise but it is now past them and reflected in the price of the stock. EV/EBITDA is now between 2 and 3 which is an attractive price historically and competitive on a comp basis. However, it is not the cheapest sector. I can find small cap names in the international O&G sector currently showing better values.