ROG a disaster? NOT! You guys don't know what a disaster is until youve seen what happened at Canaco Resources! Here was a classic example of believing in the hype. Despite a steady string of crappier and crappier drill results and virtually no insider buying, many investors continued to ignore obvious red flags with the company. Only when the company announced they had f-all it was too late! The share price went from $6 all the way to .27 cents! LOL The company even raised millions and millions of dollars on a private placement over 5 bucks! Man, these guys are screwed up large, then BS'ed investors that everything was hunky-dorie while the share price continued to tank. The company was so full of it. Those who saw the red flags got out in time. But those who ignored the obvious signs or those who were just plain stupid hung on till the bitter end. ROG is far from a disaster. It has insiders loading up and most importantly, unlike Canaco, they have gold! LOL