RE: RE: The only news we get these days... Our securities laws in Canada just have no bite. Most sentences can be reduced or commuted with monetary settlements.
A mere slap on the wrist. If this was in China, Michael and Jessica would be in for some jail time as well as fines. To allow Jessica to still stay in the industry is absurd. She broke the rules with intent and got caught. At minimum, that should be enough to bar someone from ever being involved in the securities or insurance business for the remainder of their life.
Unfortunately David Baines has latched on to MPE (as well as a few other names and suspects) in his editorials that if anyone who was ever involved with his companies of interest, there will be mention of that company. Raymond and who he chooses to associate himself with need to be squeaky clean because they are squarely in his crosshairs. If they do something verging on borderline gray, and I am sure you'll see it published.