RE: RE: instability (mental) LOL Mooseberries, pure mooseberries, peace piper.
Ugh!! You should travel to broaden your horizons, Chief cheesecake. You should really pay six bucks (not that much wampum, right?) and read the filings.
The petition is before the BC Supreme Court, and will be heard by an appointed judge, not one of those vote-for-me elected thingees which they have across the line in the USA.
Shareholder rights are set by both provincial and federal law, and the precedents (all shareholders have rights and obligations) are set in stone by now, based upon precedent and case law. If the Court orders that the vote be set aside and a monitored revote be held, there is no appeal.
Makes me wonder what you're trying to hide, Mooseberry, if you want the company to drag this out as long as possible.
Ponder upon this, Pocahontas: The longer the farce goes on, the more money goes out...which might be clawed back by way of a shareholder-oppression lawsuit.
Heh, heh, folks...those Leg-in-Boot-Square condos might not be judgement proof.