RE: RE: RE: Nothing Changes Thanks LJ, very nice of you to say that...actually showed my wife and she agreed lol!
I am an eternal optimist and so I do not think we are dead if Jaguar does not hit. We still own the license to Eagle Deep and have a partner willing to pay 50% for 33%. The area is heating up and there will be other wells drilled. Eagle Deep from what I have read offers a better seal than Jaguar and that may be key. If Jaguar has oil but cannot be economical due to a bad seal, we would still be in a position to entice another company to step up to partner for the other 50% of the costs. We may however, have to go to the Guyanese government with our hat in our hands and beg for another extention. As long as we can negotiate that JV before the license expires and have a plan in place, I would believe that we would get an extention. So although our shares will be down to 10-20 cents if Jaguar misses, I still think we will have another shot with ED and it will not be game over as some doom sayers are saying.
35 days to go!