RE: RE: RE: kaosblues Total Hey Rover I don't believe I need psychiatric advice, perhaps some gambling counseling, anybody seriously invested in this stock probably does, but I digress. What I can't figure out is why you are putting up such a spirited denunciation of my theory about Anadarko possibly being involved,especially through the use of non-stop ad hominen attacks. Once in a while fine, but really, every single time you open your mouth? Me thinks though doth protest too I am really starting to wonder along with a pile of telltale signals from that company that they might just possibly be involved. Maybe you are aware of something and don't want it to come out? No? Then quit the over the top protestations. You know as well as anyone on this board that the majors are trolling around throwing chum overboard all over the place; the only issue is who is going to latch on to this particular fish, if indeed anyone. I have stated who I think it might be, others have stated who they think it might be and there is simply nothing wrong with speculating and pontificating no matter how badly you try to knock it. Lighten up and live a little, make a guess, have some fun with it, you aren't going to change the world regardless of whether you are right or dead wrong or whether you somehow manage to get a couple of kernels of corn into your gut with only the use of that one tooth of yours.