RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: BioExx-Fuzz Based on my ignorance as to the vitality and viability of the current business state of BioExx, this to me would be the optimal strategy and ‘economy of scale’ in my opinion:
1. Keep the Sask. plant on a ‘limited-scale operation’ specifically for R&D in line with product development, customer-product integration, development of innovation re operational process and technology – in partnership with the JV(s) strategy…
2. Build a new plant(s) somewhere other than Canada –Europe, Asia, US as part of the JV(s) agreement.
3. Decrease all salary and ‘other’ by 35 % and then directly link compensation to criteria regarding ‘step-wise commercial operational performance, business development, and amount of ‘paid invoices’ / profit margins for product delivered’.
BTW - The best line on their new ppt is on slide 3 last bullet point: “ Focus on delivery, re-build credibility, drive risk down”
My 2 cents…