Question: Behavioral Issues....... ...can anyone else on this board; those that are still standing, that is, explain the wildly inconsistant behavior of the prior poster? Has there ever been another person on this board who has;
a) changed their user name; at last count, at least 3 times.
b) deleted suspect or incriminating posts on a regular basis.
c) unrelentingly campaigned for the Co., regardless of reality.
d) pretended to be a "friend" or "regular investor", only mildly concerned with the AZG freefall.
Granted, I'm an ___ , but all my posts and original user name are here; none deleted. And, yes, I stand by the notion that there was likely an exit strategy devised, if or when everything turned to, well, you know. Why is that called into question now?...given it DID happened.