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Big Banc Split Corp T.BNK

Alternate Symbol(s):  T.BNK.PR.A

The investment objectives for the Preferred Shares are to provide their holders with fixed cumulative preferential monthly cash distributions in the amount of $0.05 per Preferred Share ($0.60 per annum or 6.0% per annum on the issue price of $10.00 per Preferred Share) until November 30, 2023 (the Maturity Date) and to return the original issue price of $10.00 to holders on the Maturity Date. The Company will invest on an approximately equally-weighted basis in Portfolio Shares of the following publicly traded Canadian banks: Bank of Montreal; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; National Bank of Canada; Royal Bank of Canada; The Bank of Nova Scotia; and The Toronto-Dominion Bank. The Portfolio will generally be rebalanced on a quarterly basis, starting on September 30, 2020, so that as soon as practicable after each calendar quarter the Portfolio Shares will be held on an approximately equal weight basis.

TSX:BNK - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by outdawazooon Jun 27, 2012 7:27pm
Post# 20061831



btw, I bought into this from a recommendation by Eric Nuttall on BNN, as a Top Pick, that is was a "no brainer", target $14.  Nice.  He also recommended NVS and WFE at significantly higher prices.

I was a fan, but no more.  He should be in the business of stock promoter, not portfolio manager.

Bullboard Posts