RE: RE: Post chemo A chemo/MCC trial would be the best thing that happened to cancer treatment since the advent of chemo itself. Imagine that a virtually harmless drug when taken after chemo reinvigorates your immune system so hair doesn't fall out, no nausea, your energy level doesn't subside.
any chemo maker in the world is now looking at this little outfit called BNC and wondering. With all the other novel cancer treatments making headway, what better way than an immunoboost therapy combined with chemo to keep it relevant and effective.
The market isn't in the single digit billions either. Every single chemo infusion would be coupled with MCC if proven to do what it does in doggies. Imagine that market and make your head explode.
Endo knows this as do others. It may be a while off, but preclinicals are just around the on it.