RE: Size of the PRIZE Drillex; Let me deconstruct some of the bubbling soup.
TK-1 is not now relevant to WZR. The potential of that well was known after K-1 and before they drilled it - that is why they did so. TK-1 has not been as successful IMO as TLM expected but WZR have no technical interest in it now.
'Zones' are not old oceans they are rocks deposited in what was once a marine environment. Water and oil are generally imimiscible and the former underlies most oil columns. The lack of an OWC is encouraging as it means the oil column extends further.
The KRG have no technical involvement in the well testing program.
'.. tie a gas line into K1 to reinject the gas coming off the oil production on K2' . This is nonsense and it will not happen. Even if it was desirable K-2 is connected to the same gas cap as K-1 and can get gas from its own production. It's called the Kurdamir field gas cap.
Qulijan has been drill-ready and announced as such since 2009/10. Qulijan is on the other side of the Kurdamir fault. It will not be double the size of Kurdamir in any scenario.
Mil Qasim-1 will never produce 4K - 6K bbls per day. It is being placed into a 'long-term study' category to my knowledge. It may ( after study ) produce significant production from more complex well designs.
Sarqala-2 is an appraisal well and H-1 is an exploration well under the PSC terms. The problem with the Sarqala area ( and Kurdamir ) wells on production is that a solution for gas utilisation must be found and until that happens the wells will operate in test mode. There is no immediate solution proposed for gas production that I have heard and so the timer for construction of the necessary facilities has not even been started yet. Gas sales contracts and infrastructure build-out usually takes significant time.
The KICE oil pipeline start point is in the NW of Kurdistan and will not reach down to Kurdamir / Garmian for some considerable time. A 12 -24 month timescale is not realistic IMO. In any case, a gas pipeline and/or gas-to-power utilisation is needed. Trucking will be the main export route for quite a while.
It is good to be +ve on a great company and investment like WZR but inexact claims in its support just give investors an unrealistic expectation that sours their long-term view.