We are way too cheap!! Last Q's earning was 7cents/share. Annaulize that you get
.28 earning/yr. We're trading at a PE of 4!
And to put things in perspective, here's HRG's prod #'s:
Zun Holba - 130Koz
Berezitovy - 100Koz
Taparko Bouroum - 130Koz
Bissa - 100Koz (next yr)
Once Bissa comes online, HRG should be producing around 450-460Koz/year.
Things to consider:
How much will that add to the bottom line and EPS?
The POG will likely be much higher next year, prob 2k+
Even at current production profile + current POG, with a more modest PE of 8, HRG should be $2.24! When more ppl catch on to the death of the current Fiat system, and realize the PM's are the only safe place to protect their wealth, the multiples will only increase and overshoot to the upside. =) Sit tight and enjoy the ride. I've been here since 2008.