RE: 2 bits worth Actually partnership first would be better honestly.. Why should WPX per say sell out so low when they know the reserves worth more in the future even if they slated hypothetically building the mine in 2016.. They know within so many years their share price would be higher...Right now in this market is opportunistic and if you know you got the goods in a few years WPX would be worth so much, partnership will make money and everyone will in this case and in the end let buyouts present itself then when the mine goes up.. Personally I hope it is a US company or the Chinese who partner up... We will see food prices go up this year because of drought alone and the weather patterns changing.. If partnership are to be made now is the time to do it ... I personally think WPX closer to a deal then they state if you drop one partner for another that you already have talks with for nine months then it is all a matter of dotting I's and T's...Someone is wanting it badly enough to sweeten the potash(JK) for WPX to drop the other partner so fast and return to these nine months talk...Just a matter of time and it will reveal itself..JMHO