RE: RE: RE: RE: Ugh!! Did Moosie strike his tepee Moosie confesses, "I'm not smart...yet...." never were smart, and you never will be. Face it, really are dumber than doggie-doo. Make sure that you say your prayers every night, paying especial attention to the McClays, as no one else would allow you on their bullboard.
Whatcha gonna do when they pink slip you?
"I always give you the benefit of the doubt that I'm just not smart enough to understand you....."
Aweel, Moosie, that makes two of us who think that you're just not smart enough.
Maybe it's only the poo fumes at work, but I'm pretty darn sure that your dimwittedness is either congenital or else is the result of continued substance abuse.
No matter what the cause is, you would be doing the world a favour by keeping your genes out of the gene pool.