RE: sub receipts - JohnEStrom cant deny these metals_boom continues to bleat like a sheep..... "Because people like you who are only ever negative about EVERYTHING in life continue to sew the seeds of doubt in investors. YOU are responsible for the share price not gaining more than it has"
Wow, I didn't know I was that pursuasive. I'm impresed with myself. No, idiot, I'm just articulating what EVERY investor should be thinking. How many times has Brennan announced the loan a done deal? SEVERAL over many months. After awhile investors quit trusting anything he says. So they will wait until it IS done. But they also want to know about the increase in resources, the cost of Currais Novos [our ONLY revenue producing project - MAYBE] and our crown jewel - Campo Alegra which is, evidently, on perma-hold. Do we still have that asset or did Brennan let it go?
Anyway, I have to be THE guru on this site to keep the share price depressed. Wow, am I impressed with me. :)