RE: RE: over Well, it took a good few years and a lot of other people's money for this POS to finally go down the drain. On the bright side, as its private, then the company officers are jointly and severally liable for all losses. So, it will be fun to get the inside story from various contacts and watch the new board rip KK into shreds when he loses all their money too. I will watch the BC bankruptcy court reports with interest just in case we see some familiar names.
I wouldn't be surprised if the creditors are sharpening their pencils for those liens against the new directors assets - although I am just as sure there are a few wives out there who have suddenly gotten very asset-rich in the last few months!
I can't see any defence department giving this POS, poorly led company a pass rating when they do their risk assessments. A lot of money to be made by lawyers setting up escrow accounts probably.
All together (to the tune of My Way) - "and now, the end is near, for OSI...the final curtain. My friends, we made a loss, because the Board's a bunch of toss. KK, he played it cool, disguised the fact, that he's a fool, but more, much more than this, they fleeced us their way!"