RE: RE: 390 ft of pay.....10,000 boe per day? Natural gas prices in Indonesia are about 4 times higher than here in North America or about $10 per mmcf.
A natural gas discovery the size of the Subang field would contain about $8 billion in recoverable gas reserves.
Note that management referred to this field when the drill got stuck earlier and biogenic gas was present.
With 390 ft of pay so far and not yet into what appears to be the greater portion of the reservoir, its possible that this gas discovery could match that of Subang which is only kms away.
We wont know until they get to 6000 ft and perhaps run wireline logs in the upper portion of the zone, but that might be as early as next week.
Such a possibility of course would have major implications for the share price.
Even $20 would not be unreasonable, but lets be patient and see what the next drill report says.