RE: Postive On CEC? Seriously? This reply is to 2guys, earlier in this thread, with respect to Itochu not topping up when the cash call for joint venture partners came in January 2012.
2guys, you said, "I have an understanding of how the JV deal will work out and I don't think the cash call this Jan. changed much in the way of ownership, but it will make for a higher buy-in when Itochu wants to increase their ownership if that happens."
The word used in the formal statements from Compliance is "dilution" and dilution means a reduction in share of equity. To now tell us that it didn't change much in the way of ownership, flies in the face of the usually understood meaning of dilution.
What happened? A dilution, as it is commonly understood, or some other deal, as you "understand" it to mean?
If it is not what is commonly understood as a dilution, then why do you know it, and the rest of us do not? Are you a company insider? Are you faking it?
Seems like either you are making things up, or you know things that only insiders should know.