3.5 m shares BOUGHT so far Some big BUYERS into this stock today.. do you realize 3.5 millions shares bought so far ? Somebody believes big time in this company.
After reading the posts on this board.. here are my thoughts.
- the news release had to be released when it was for fear that word about the results were leaking out. Many people are involved in the exploration work, drilling crew, lab crew, exploration people on the ground, people in Geox office, consultants, accountants, lawyers.. their mothers/fathers/brothers/cousins and friends etc etc. so when the price was rising and volume increasing the prudent action is to release the news follow up with the report asap. Ideally you are releasing the news and report at the same time, but sometimes this doesn't happen.
- for ever share sold, someone is buying.. someone believes in this thing.
- every event that has happened to date is just the ordinary course of business. Every action has a plausible explanation, and just because you want to imagine 40 different scenarios, all bad.... don't.