RE: RE: Debt v. Grant so the tart further exposing hisself as a creeper and SIP:
- just like misnumbers you fail to present the whole and pertinent truth, so creeper why don't you do this:
a) id all the interest payments that WND will be making in 2012 (like +7% on the Windstar debt of +200M (when does that start to accrue)or the the 25% on various other debt)
b) then how bout including the other "commitment" (see page 15 of the last Q financials
c) and then how bout the impact of any convenants re the debt and projects re. restricted cash balances and debt service ratios (have they kicked in yet) and...
d) and ....
...cause once you get all the "uses of cash" id'ed it is pretty simple to id what the "sources of cash" must come up with..
PS 20%-25% interest is IMO a stunningly high rate of interest and very disconcerting to me.. here's a challenge for you id three other companies paying those kinda rates, cause i know of none in the group of companies i own other that WND.
PPS as i've stated on many occasions, it all comes down to whether its Windstar or Windscreen and in the last MD&A it was id'ed that Windy hadn't achieved full production but they expected it to do so by June 30, 2012, and as best as i know no NR has been made stating that full production has been achieved... and well as best i know management was expecting a $90M grant and well got $78M
so tart why do you continue to try and deceive people on this MB??? are you a SIP???
finally, as a long term owner of WND i am hopeful (but very cautiously so) that Windstar is generating sufficient cash to avoid near term financial difficulties and i guess we will see on Monday and i hope we get clear clarity and not foggy obfuscation as the issues and their resolutions are fairly straightforward