RE: wonder why Remember there are other good dividend paying stocks; some investors may think that others are less risky, so Mart's high yield indicates at least a perception of higher risk than most dividend paying stocks.
For instance, PMT (PennyMac) trades on NYSE, has higher mktcap than Mart, pays about 10% annually and the stock price has been steadily on an upslope for the last few months.
We will see some new dynamics in how Mart trades now that there will be quarterly dividends. There are some traders out there who like to trade the volatility near the ex-dividend date.
Mart stock seems to have gained some price stability since announcing the dividend (day of the AGM). Stockholders who used to look at it as hightly tradable on it's volatility in a trading range must now treat it differently, as there are more buy and holders who own it for the dividend AND probably further appreciation with UMU-10 and other catalysts ahead.