RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: shaking out the loose stuf Yes, you`re right about that Mountingman, there`s lots of if's and you spewing out numbers from your mouth that are in no way relevant as to costs, is totally and utterly speculative and ridiculous.
Show us how exactly how you came to that CAPEX of $350 million for Raven. Can you, or is it just another one of your ploys? lol
This is from the FS;
2011 Feasibility Report of the Raven Underground Coal Mine
2011 Resource/ Reserve/ Product 97.5 Mt/ 29.9 Mt/ 13.1 Mt
Life of Mine / Production Period 17 Years / 15.5 years
Annual Raw Production 1.93 Mt
Coal Processing Plant Recovery 44%
Average Annual Clean Coal 850,000 tonnes
Operating Costs (FOB Ship) $76.50 Cdn./tonne
Capital Costs (Cdn. Millions)(1) Mine $ 153.9
Port (2) $ 59.2
$ 213.1
Contingency $ 28.4
Sub-total Capital (including contingency)(3) $ 241.4
Sustaining Capital (Life of Mine) $ 50.4
Total Capital Outlay (Life of Mine) $ 291.9
(1) Capital expenditures include contingency and are shown in 2011 dollars
(2) Includes an estimate for a travelling ship loader. A fixed ship loader at Port Alberni would reduce total capital by
approximately $20 million, but this remains subject to further study.
(3) Approximately $208 million of this amount is for initial capital to steady state production with the balance in later years.
(4) Totals may not add due to rounding
Feasibility Study Prepared by Pincock Allen & Holt April 2011