commercial production Slavik announced commerial production in his non standard news release way back in Jan? Feb? but it was only a small amount of testing that had been done.
Our new ceo promised full production ramping up to 133 m3/hr by end of summer, but afterwards it was found the 3 trommels we own would only produce 40-60 m3/hr, and that in part is due to lack of earth moving equipment I think, and earth moving equipment that is not normal in TZ so parts and repairs are real issues since all equipment is used. I am astonished Johann Coatzee should be so off in his calculations of volumes. Doesn't bode well for his expertise if he was off by a factor of 3-5x with 3 simple trommels.
It remains to be seen just how much they've actually been producing. Waitin....
A funny but absolutely true story.... 12 months ago this week I was forecasting that right now I oughta be a rbyc millionaire as I expected them to be on the way to $.50 eps this year. Now the stock price is $.25, go figure.