Conference Call Very interesting...
But very unprofessionnal from Ron who could not have a good PHONE!!! I vote for paying you a good phone line!!! In New York, I think the city is big enough for looking and finding a good reliable phone company. (he said he was in NY I do not how many times...!!!)
There is a game plan that`s for sure. They met several times in the last months. This "quatuor" had put together a masterpiece indeed.
But I say, at what cost? The feeling I had was that Ron is there to bring new shareholers in the structure. End-users shareholders and perhaps Chinese investors? All I know, it means big time dilution to bring those on board.
Old shareholders will reply that the share structure of CJC can allow that kind of deals and we are better off getting 1% of something big than 100% of nothing....
Don`t get me wrong here. I think CJC have great potential and great future. It all depends about the details of the new structure imagined by the four top guys.
For those of you interested in money instead of ideas (Ron told the audience that graphite is the next metal that will lead the next industrial revolution - I heard, it was hydrogen when I invested into Ballard Power years ago!!!), CJC has sufficient money to get us until fall. They are still waiting from the Government of Quebec to receive 700k and start drilling program at La Loutre.
P.S. Impressed by the team, but very skeptical going forward in term of share price appreciation. I hope you guys are holding CJC in your RRSP and you are young enough to see to end of this story.