Why not call 'the president' yourselves? it takes two minutes to log into stockhouse and post a comment, while it takes less than ten seconds to dial a ten or eleven digit telephone number, and yet it amazes me how timid everyone is about doing just that.
pick up the phone, call the office, and ask for Aubrey Eveleigh and talk to him yourself and ask him what the company is doing for the next three months.
while you're at it ask him why the insiders never paid cash for any shares worth mentioning.
'hello mr eveleigh, my name is xyz and ive got a hundred thousand shares of zenyatta i paid sixty cents for or forty cents for or thirty cents for'
would you please tell me why my investment is now worth $15,000 from $60,000 for a $45,000 loss?
while were at it would you explain to me how you acquired your millions of shares and what, if any consideration in CASH that you and the other insiders paid for them and also why you've only bought fifteen thousand shares out of the market since the company went public?
you see, this poster, jr speculator has been pointing out these facts for months now, and while some of us have done enough research to learn that they are in fact true statements, we feel that by way of our investment in your company we have earned the right to ask you these questions and also to ask you how you justify a $250,000 per year salary plus expenses when the company has no revenues, the project results has resulted in enormous losses in equity for the rest of us while you enjoy no risk and further, why has there been no plan to raise any funds
'my last question is, are you presently working for, receiving remuneration from, structuring any or planning n the near future to prepare any new companies, whilst being paid, by us from the proceeds of money we've invested in Zenyatta.
see, that wasn't so hard, was it?