Changes Not sure why everyone is getting their undies in a twist over the reverse takover thing.
Just because Mr. Rae has experience in it, doesn't mean at all that it is solely that experience that he brings to the party and is the sole reason for his appointment.
Net net, this guy is a mover and shaker who has chops in the M&A world in biotech.....period. Reading any more into it is a fools game.
These moves are about the best news we are shareholders could expect. What this proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt is that BNC is close to something monumental. I expect that they will break the business into parts, hive off Human to Endo (or highest bidder, retaining mfging rights), and turn back into the Animal-centric business it knows best. What I'm still unsure about is whether that Animal business doesn't also get sold to a Bayer or other(s). It all depends on whether McRae wants to continue in his fifedom or not....but by clearing the decks, it would appear that the master has decided to move onto greener pastures and has brought in a specialist to manage the buyout process(es).
I would think that before years end we're all a whole lot wealthier. The question is just going to be, is it retirement wealthy or not......