CMK stock will shift up this week. The U.S Energy Information Administration lists *Average weekly coal commodity spot prices*
From what I see over the last month coal prices from across the board are on the move up, most likely due to the price of Natural Gas now back to 6 / 7 month high. With the Nat Gas price continuing to climb higher and higher this only makes Coal more attractive in the power generation market. Obviously Cline produces a great quality Met Coal, and as stock piles continue to be chewed up around the world, and the price low, producer just like Cline will slow or stop production until the steel makers use up their current stock piles and then once again the Met coal producers will go back into production and the price will slowly gain ground, that's the way the cycle works. I think cline's Mkt Cap has fallen far to low, but that will remain to be seen. I think this week will mark an uptrend shift in the stock price. This is my opinion.