my next great prediction... .. now lets all remember my contributions to date (and remember rubes i've seen and lived this story many times before):
- exposed a whole bunch of SIPS as liars who no longer post to try and manipulate this MB
- called the proxy fight (man that was great even as the SIPS tried to lie again)
- called the price action perfectly
- gave WND the sage advice to NR the end to the Champy thingy to boost the share price (priceless really)
... now next prediction watch WND push back its AGM; jeffy is desperate to save his job and so will use any trick to ensure he can pump positive action on the takeout for the AGM (don't want to leave dissidents room (which BTW is likely why the dissidents waited so long to NR their intent)
.. next post i will offer advice, question a key part of their yaba coo coo plan