this for chimpega and pondering... .. so jeff is a flippy flopper..
.. we have them on record as wanting to complete the yaba coo coo financing before sale of WND and this seems to me to be a blocking strategy and nuttin more as (and this for chimpy who confuses accounting, bookeeping, finance and share valuation):
... wouldn't any of those big utilities in the US have a much lower cost of capital and much superior BS than WND, which for chimpy should mean that these supposed buyers could finance yaba coo coo either likely from internal funds (or if market is available a much better debt deal) so if WND pursues financing and assuming they can't finance as an agent for a big utility, isn't WND then likely extracting value from the deal (with the big utility) and flowing it over to the debt boys... and what big bank would actually deal with WND with this overhang?? no i say WND failed to finance yaba coo coo in a timely manner (which IMO contributed to the low share price)
.. as an aside will a big utility in the US (which i understand are largely regional) care to buy WND in its entirety or likely will WND be packaging assets (and then now get this try and LBO some assets say yaba coo coo and then reconfigure and go back with Champy) oh the intrigue
.. chimpy take some time read some internet articles to edumacate uself and get back to me will ya