GREY:CPYCF - Post by User
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RavenPortSpinWatchon Aug 04, 2012 5:12pm
Post# 20185070
Compliance's Delima in Port Alberni
Compliance's Delima in Port Alberni I have been reading this board (very informative thanks to the posters BTW) and it appears from my readings that there is a lack of understanding a more robust picture of Compliance's delima in development the proposed shipping port facility...not the least of which is the distinction to the public between the marketing strategy that has been implemented to attract investment and maintain share prices (such as all is well and good in lala land type pronouncements).
A quick google scan of the anticipated timelines announced by Compliance Energy that have not been met should be an indicator of just part of the "unsaid" coming from the Raven Coal Project. Time after time projected benchmarks have come and gone with no explanation from Compliance as to the reasons. However, a deeper review of the project proposal does provide information as to why this project is not likely to able to proceed to the permit stage. The challenges are many in any major project development but these challenges are amplified when preliminary due diligence is adequate on projects before they even reach this stage. It appears that trying to rush a project resulted in a misunderstanding of the complexities by Compliance and that is the reason for the delays, and ultimately is what is presently being seen in the loss of values of stock share prices.
Despite media announcements and power point presentations that the proponent displays this project is far from a done deal and the proponent has not to this date stepped up to the plate with any environmental study data to meet any of the guideline requirements to validate the proponent claims that this project can survive the environmental review process. The complete silence as to successful consultation agreements being negoitated with local First Nations should also sound alarms for any potential investments. (and consultation is much much more than a meeting to show a power point presentation).