RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Strong canola demand Seriously? the GEA report changed things for you? Do you think for a second that C2 would contract someone to do a report lilke that unless everyone knew exactly what was going to be in that report before it was commissioned?
The GEA report can't change the facts:
1. They have a $100million+ facility that can't make money or just doesn't work, and C2 wants MORE money to invest in it.
2. They need another $60million+ to build a second plant IF they hope to survive.
3. The stock price is 15 cents, and market money is TIGHT right now. How much more dilution before a 1:10 rollback?
4. This company is dead without a JV or a takeover. And EVERYONE knows it.
Game changer? Bah. More like meaningless paperwork. And the market knew that too. Worth exactly 4 cents.