RE: RE: RE: RE: 88% Met Coal 12% Thermal... I'm not sure what the flip flopping is on your part chrisale, but you implied CEC would be selling all thermal, which just isn't the case.
Being able to and doing are two different things.
Met Coal can be sold for energy, but not Thermal for steel production.
Sure, if thermal prices were to move higher than met coal or semi-soft met coal prices, then CEC would be stupid not to sell all their coal for energy production. Actually all met producers would. I doubt very much that will happen, and you should realize it won't either.
You said their plant was designed moreso for thermal, not true. Their plant is designed for both because they produce both. If they didn't have the capability for thermal, then the 12% thermal coal produced would not weigh into the bottom line. It would be a waste. Not sure what you're getting at. Enough on this.
At least we agree that the plant is designed to produce both met coal and thermal as it should be.