RE: RE: RE: Good news, better news"...Mr. McKay...has deep Chinese connections, including that China-based chairman of the company..." Thom Calandra interview with B McClay
Now that ex-ChairmanFu is Chairman again, doesn't he have the authority to restrict the issuance of news releases to himself and/or his designated spokesperson?
Justice Fisher's reasons for judgement was released on 2012-08-08 (reinstating Chairman Fu), yet , on August 9, 2012, Brian A McClay issued a news release stating that, "...The Company is continuing with its review of the judgement and is seeking advice from its legal and other advisors as to the interpretation and consequences of the judgement, including with respect to an appeal thereof..."
Would ChairmanFu want to continue to waste the shareholder's money in a likely futile appeal of ChairmanFu's successful petition which restored him to his Chairmanship? Doubtful indeed.
Wonder if the other directors could be held liable for the legal costs associated with, " seeking advice from its legal and other advisors as to the interpretation and consequences of the judgement, including with respect to an appeal thereof...?
Wouldn't that be something if they were, hey Puke-Fluke? Enough to make you turn in your keyboard and Chimper-of-the-month cap, innit?