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ROK Resources Inc V.ROK

Alternate Symbol(s):  ROKRF | RKRWF | V.ROK.WT

ROK Resources Inc. is primarily engaged in exploring for petroleum and natural gas development activities in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Company’s diversified asset base in both Southeast Saskatchewan and Alberta is weighted to light crude with opportunities for natural gas development in the Kaybob area of Alberta. Its core assets include Southeast Saskatchewan, which comprises oil weighted conventional Frobisher and unconventional Midale prospects and covers over 131,000 net acres, and Kaybob Alberta, a gas weighted, stacked multi-zone reservoir with upside locations in the Cardium, Montney, Bluesky and Dunvegan formations. The Company covers over 75,000 gross (45,000 net) acres in Kaybob.

TSXV:ROK - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by wordlesson Aug 13, 2012 1:23pm
Post# 20211501

RE: RE: Pescod w/ Krishna

RE: RE: Pescod w/ Krishna

Got my annual materials on Friday - Glad to see that our CEO owns over 21,000,000 shares

Bullboard Posts