RE: Big month, Grant? Mr. Fu being the current manager of IEMR, trading at .03 with no volume today.
Fluke, Fluke, can't even get the simplest things right,
Mr Fu is the president, CEO and a director of IEMR (he's also the chairman of MSQ as of the date of the judge's ruling).
Mr. Fu, on IEMR's website, is seemingly much more competent and better-connected than Ash, Ball, Bronson, Jefferies or McClay. Mr Fu has inked a deal with KGHM, and that's likely why Siewierski agreed to join the dissident slate.
Mr. Hongxue Fu – President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Mr. Fu has acted as President of International Energy and Mineral Resources Investment Company Limited (Hong Kong) (“IEMR”) from October 2004 to the present. IEMR is involved in risk exploration and investments in energy and mining resources with a specialty in higher risk discovery exploration. In 2007, IEMR identified a large lead, zinc, copper and silver deposit. Later in 2007, the IEMR mining subsidiaries signed a joint development agreement framework with KGHM Polska S.A. to develop this property. This first stage development of this property was completed and production started in October 2008. IEMR is also close to completing the development of a middle size lead and zinc mine in northwest China and will start production in August 2009. In addition to these properties, IEMR is actively conducting exploration projects and seeking partnerships in middle Asia, Australia and other areas of China.