More plants coming in UK...50 MW Plasma Gasification Plant to be the First of Many in UK
Credit: INESO Bio
13 August 2012
Air Products' 50 MW plasma gasification facility on Teesside could be the first of many advanced waste gasification facilities to be built in the UK according to York based waste to energy and biofuel consultancy, NNFCC.
The consultancy welcomed the progress being made by Air Products at its plant near Billingham and added that it is likely to be the first of many to be built in the UK over the coming years.
According to NNFCC the facility will use AlterNRG advanced gasification technology to turn 350,000 tonnes of residual waste into enough renewable electricity to power up to 50,000 homes every year.
"Following our work gathering evidence for the Renewables Obligation banding review, we are delighted to see these ground-breaking advanced gasification projects starting to go ahead," explained Dr. Geraint Evans, head of biofuels and bioenergy at NNFCC.
The NNFCC also highlighted proposed facilities by London based gasification specialist Biossense, as well as those by INEOS Bio and British Airways.
According to the organisation it is working with INEOS Bio - part of chemical giant INEOS - to help deliver a fuel and energy project on Teesside in the UK.
The consultancy service said that it is helping facilitate INEOS Bio's funding and working to address barriers to the development of the company's gasification plant.
The NNFCC claimed subject to financing the plant will be Europe's first to make advanced road fuel and renewable energy from biomass, including household waste.
The facility is to be located at the INEOS Seal Sands site in theTees Valley, and is designed to produce 30 million litres of bioethanol each year and generate more than 3 MW of electricity for export to the grid while treating 100,000 tonnes of biodegradable household and commercial waste.
"Waste is an underutilised resource for energy generation and gasification could hold the key to unlocking its vast potential - we will now apply our engineering and policy expertise to ensure this is just the first of many advanced gasification plants built here in the UK," concluded Evans.