RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: dead in the water .. Yeah, Europe has problems. But it's not just Europe. It's Spain, Italy and Greece. Folks in the US don't care, they just say "Hey Europe, get your ....together. They don't know nothing.
Americans see stuff on TV where they say something about Europe, and that we have problems. So it's Europe. Hey Europe, get your ....together.
But the thing is, they only want to distract people from the main issue. And that's the US. How many trillions in debt? 16 trillion? But it's Europe, yeah right.
The bull that is happening in Europe right now has to stop, out of the question. September 12 is the date to watch. The Federal Constitutional Court will release their decision whether the ESM is or is not against the law.
And it is illegal as hell. Why should I pay for Spanish, Italian or Greek debt? The hell I will. Kick em out. Start with Greece. And act quickly!
Sure, politicians don't care. They have their money. Good money. "Oh my god, I can't be the one who kicks Greece out, not in my term, here let's give em more money." What do I care what happens when I'm not chancellor, president or whatever anymore?
September 12. On that day, we will see whether democracy still exists. If the ESM gets approved, I'll give up my German citizenship. Go to Switzerland or join you guys in Canada or the US.